Monday, January 31, 2011


Well, I promised you a volatile week, didn't I? This crazy volatility, particularly in gold, is actually our friend. We discussed "V" bottoms last week and how unusual and unstable they are. I much prefer double bottoms and bottoms that bang around in greater-than-usual ranges...just like what we're seeing in gold. A lot of capitulatory selling is being expended but no further downside progress is being made. At some point in the near future, virtually all who want to sell will have sold and we'll be left with a lot more buyers than sellers. Just be patient. This day is coming very soon.

OK, here are your items of interest for today. First, DrC is very solid and looking to move higher. Again, if copper begins to head back toward its highs of late last year, there is no way that gold and silver are staying down. Last is 442.
Silver has been beaten back almost a dollar from its highs last evening. Thanks, Blythe!
However, I gave you the 27.20-60 area as major, short-term support. This is playing out exactly as far. Last is 28.11.
Gold, too, is resting upon its primary support area near 1325. Let's see if that holds. If/when it does, even  Ray Charles will be able to see the reverse H&S that will have been painted onto the chart. Last is 1330.
And, finally, here's the buck. Last night it looked like it wanted to break out higher. Today, it looks like it wants to break down lower. For now, watch 77.70 on the March, which is about 77.45 or so on the cash chart you see to the right. For now, whether or not a breakdown would be PM positive or negative is anyone's guess:
OK, that's it. Watch all four of those today and keep an eye on the headlines out of the Middle East. This has already been a wild week and its only 10:00 am Monday. TF

Crude and copper are rolling, which is making the task of  "contaning" gold and silver quite difficult for the EE. I have a lst in crude of 91.41 and copper of 445, both right near their highs of the day.
Gold has rebounded almost $12 from its lows and silver almost $0.80. Gold will have a difficult time putting in a constructive close today but that's of no import. Watch silver very closely, however. As I told you back on Friday, a close above $28 today would be huge. It raises the probability that "Turd"s Bottom" is in to about 90%. A close over $28 tomorrow takes us to 95%. Any close this week above $29.50...well, by then it'll be quite obvvious to everyone that the correction is over.
So, watch silver. I've got a last of $28.30. Watch copper, too. If you really want to pull for something, pull for DrC to close above 447. That would be HUGE.

If anyone still questions the existence of the EE and their malicious intent, you simply need to look at the 1-minute chart since 1:00. The monkeys are hammering away, trying to constrain the metals, silver in particular. They see the charts, too, and they will give anything to keep it under 28. Oh, well. Too bad. I've got a pit session close of around 28.12. However, you can bet your sweet batooty that they'll keep hammering away on the Globex so don't be surprised to see a dip below 28 before 4:15.
Gold is just a joke. As mentioned above, fucking Helen Keller can see the reverse H&S on the gold chart if it moves UP through 1345. Blythe is giving it everything she's got to keep it down. The fact that crude is up almost $2.50 and copper is up 8 only serves to illustrate the absurdity and criminality of the bullion banks.
Check back soon for some closing charts and commentary. TF


  1. I'm with ya turd as the selling will exhaust! Action cures fear! Buy and take possession of physical silver as it begins to dry up for the man in the street! AmeriCON'd is awakening to fiat buying power fading in the world wide race to zero; paper currencies all backed by thin air promises!! Don't know when a currency crisis hit's panic levels but it's coming! The cartel bankster confidence game wanes as they soon begin eating one another alive! Eventually the host consumer dies and parasites feed on one another!! We've seen it's cycles historically among many nations! Soon on a global world wide scale as limited resources of the earth are hoarded! Nothing coming but a revision to the mean for people who want to live; survival mode! It gets nasty as wars perpetuate in continuing battles for those remaining resources, until the greed gets exhausted & sane people again establish peace!!!!!!

  2. Coffeenut13 said...
    Been watching PM's for over a year...Have wanted to invest but never have and don't know how. Do I need a broker or is there a trusted site that is recommended. Please......I feel the need to do this NOW. Any assistance would be helpful. I found this blog about two weeks ago and really like the "Turd's" (and commentators) thoughts.

    January 31, 2011 6:02 AM
    Coffeenut13 said...
    Okay. My very first post sounds desperate and perhaps overly ignorant. Let me explaine;
    I am on a fixed income after becoming disabled in an auto accident 10 years ago. (The claiming process and medical almost wiped out my entire savings.) Since then, I have tried to "live with in my means" and have slowly built up a small savings. (If you knew how much I am sure you would regard it as a pittyance by comparison.) Anyways, I have been a believer in PM's for over two years but, have not acted on my instincts due to ignorance of the system. I have never invested, stocks, bonds or PM's. The only thing I have done in the past was funds. I have been jumping from site to site for months when finally found "Turds" blog. I found him through a link from zh and admit that he and his commentators think along lines that are the same as mine. I am in a small community that has 1 coin shop but, never have been there. I feel that gold is too much expense for me and therefor am looking at silver. Would like physical but, not sure how or for that matter even from who. It appears there are many of you who already have this knowledge and are actively purchasing. Any suggestions? I feel the time is now because I believe the Egypt scenario will bear more consequences than what most believe it will. Thanks in advance for any/all suggestions!

  3. coffee: I fielded so m any questions like yours that I wrote this back in December:

  4. The banking cartel is running out of options. Physical shortages stories are popping up everywhere, and Harvey Organ is very perplexed by the lack of activity in the Comex Vaults. GLD is being "raided" and SLV is too ("physical wise").

    The time is coming where people will wish they got in "cheap," as once we move forward, we will not be coming back to these levels...

    Also, the thing about an exponential increase is that it tends to grow faster in a shorter amount of time. We gained ~55% in 5 months in silver, I wonder what the next 2-3 hold in store if we run into a physical shortage scare coupled with a Comex default (or even semi-default)....

    My bet is...50$ silver by April 2011. Remember, I am no master turd, but I do like researching. Read my reasons with a ton of links (a lot I was so fortunate to find from others, including our very own Mr. Turd!)
    Hold Strong

    Scott J

  5. coffee--
    Seems like step 1 might be to get down to that one coin shop in town and just start asking questions.

    Also, for physical silver, there are good online retailers. A lot of folks on this blog seem happy with Check out their site, call them on the phone and ask lots of questions.

  6. Coffeenut, as you may know, Option trading can get you killed. Especially in light of the volatility we see and expect, I know I need to leave that part of the board to the pro's. Turd is included in that category but most people are not. Heck, Harvey Organ is warning us not to use leverage in PMs and that's plenty good enuf for me.

    May I humbly suggest you consider a Metals & Miners investment strategy initially and see how it goes from there. First order of business is to lay down a foundation of physical gold and silver. Next, get an electronic brokerage account so you can buy and sell PM related equities. If the metals are going to do well, so are the miners who pull it out of the ground. The real value is in the exploration and junior categories. Pelangio Exploration, Golden Predator, Tarsis and PMI Gold are a few you may want to consider.

    I buy silver and gold from and Others here use Gainesville Coins.

    The key thing is to just get started, and keep buying metal each month, regardless of the "price" at the time, to the extent you can reasonably afford. Good luck.

  7. Coffee, I wouldn't recommend options trading. I think the first step would be to take possession of some physical metal. I like silver. I use Gainesville coins ( and APMEX (

  8. very good advice, ewc. You too, eric. Thanks.

  9. Coffeenut....look into CMI Gold and Silver. Bill Haynes, their head, comments on King World's Metals Wrap every Friday. Believe it or not, I was a client long before finding this out just recently!
    They have EXCELLENT educational material, probably the best I've seen all in one place.

    They are real sticklers for privacy, too. No need to open an account, etc. The details are at the site. I've been VERY pleased by their service!!

    On the last Metals Wrap, Habnes was talking about how he's been trying to contact people for the last few weeks, and finding it difficult to get info on the status at refiners. Some of his contacts have gone since various re-shufflings have occurred. Regardless, his reports have shifted over the last month, that's for sure. Supplies tightening, premiums going up. If you wait too long for a lower price, by that time you may have a hard time getting it!!!

  10. Copper on the run!

    $90.19 -- Over $90
    USDx ready for a down turn sitting at a interim top at 77.70, time to see silver go for 28.50 by breaking 28.23?
    Scott J

  11. PMs you just can't wait on, a lot of my friends & family are disappointed they didn't get in to PMs years ago when I was telling them to.

    Coffee I think you should take a look at you can get silver rounds for about $1.40 over spot and even silver eagles for about $3-5 over spot...they don't have a minimum of 20 or 100 per order like some sites so you can buy as much as you feel comfortable with, affordable shipping as well.

  12. @Coffee-

    One person's approach...I tend to diversify my purchases of physical metals across a number of online retailers. I've used APMEX, gainesville, lynn coins, and others. Also, I swing by my local coin shop every few weeks and conduct some cash-only transactions for generic silver rounds, and smaller gold coins. Picked up some mexican 20 peso gold coins at 2% over spot this weekend.

    When I'm in the coin shop I ask the proprieter how traffic is for bullion purchases/sales as a loose gauage of LOCAL supply/demand. This past weekend, I was the only customer in the place on Sat AM, and at the same store the week prior, I was one of about a dozen customers. Seemed eerily quiet and the shop owner pointed out that the prior week was a buying frenzy, and this past weekend was essentially dead. Not sure what, if anything to make of it, but I took a few more coins off the market just the same.

    I figure that periodic visits to the shop accomplish at least two things for me - 1) dollar cost averaging my purchases of bullion, and 2) developing a relationship with a local small businessman, who in turn has relationships with other like minded customers and suppliers in the area.

  13. coffee-
    insightanalytical makes a great point. There is a ton of great information on You can get a pretty good education right there. Only downside I see there is the minimum order size might be over your head. Still, go to the site and soak it all in.

  14. @UGRev yea I agree with you...good prices until you get to the shipping and its just ridiculous. I can't afford to buy 100oz at a time and I am guessing a lot of people can't either. I found to be my favorite and they have good prices for shipping and the bullion, and I highly recommend it to anyone who can't afford much monthly.There is a 2.7% credit card fee but you can send personal check or money order to not pay that fee.
    Shipping rates:
    $0-$99.99 $5.95
    $100-$499.99 $8.95
    $500-$1,999.99 $11.95
    $2,000-$4,999.99 $16.95
    $5,000 + $24.95

  15. I did some on-line shopping this weekend and Gainesville was the best total (including all charges) price for my items. Things change on a daily basis, so it is good to compare several dealers. Gainesville lets you check your shipping charge on the cart page. The total for shipping of all my items was the same price as the lightest and least expensive would have been by itself, so there is some kind of minimum charge. About the same as APMEX but less for the complete order. Last weekend anyway.

  16. Also to learn more about PMs in general theres a lot of good vids on youtube but I suggest searching Mike Maloney, I think he keeps it simple and really easy to understand. There is also plenty of info. from Mike on and

  17. I've used AMPEX a number of times and I'm very satisfied with the process. A little bit +/- in price is no big deal to me as I'm holding long.

    Also, my Fidelity guy told me about Very nice! You can have a personal or bulk holding. I chose personal. When I bring up my Fidelity account on line I see my Eagles, Maples, whatever, all along with my other holdings. It's vaulted in Delaware and you can have you holding sent to you at any time, (or, ship them bullion to hold for you).

  18. I have only ordered from Gainesville Coins and I do like them..obviously..or I would branch out. ..Having said that though.. it minorly annoys me that their product is always shipped in a small USPS Priority FLAT Rate box (which is $4.95 cost to them) ..but their shipping charges vary from $12-something to $30-something. I've ordered 5 ozs at a time and I've ordered 100 ozs at a time. It's always in that small flat rate box but the price for shipping goes way up depending on the weight of the box....which weight doesn't matter when using the FLAT rate boxes. "/

    Just a pet peeve. I am, on the other hand, grateful to be ordering/receiving physical metals ...and I suppose that the increase in shipping fees based on how much you order from them covers some sort of 'handling fee' for them. ..Just seems a tad deceptive to me.. das all.

  19. ItsAllGood--
    Maybe there's some insurance cost in there, that varies with order size?

    Just guessing. No idea really, so never mind.

  20. Wow. Turds title "volatility" is appropriate, 30 cent spike in Silver in about 4 minutes, if I am seeing correctly.

    Did something just happen in the world? Or is it just in the world of silver since Gold didn't do anything (at this time, at least)?

  21. Eric,
    You could be right. ..They do send all packages 'signature required' ..which would actually add a bit to the flat rate cost for them.. but not progressively so based on the number of ounces or the weight of the package.. I think ?? ..But now that you mention it.. ..since the package is insured.. .that could be the difference. .....What do I know??!!

    By the way.....speaking of signature required packages.. When I made my very first purchases from GC back in Oct. 2010... my flat rate SIGNATURE REQUIRED boxes started showing up in my mailbox. I said.. 'HUH??' ..If these are signature required packages, why in heck is my mail carrier not requiring my signature?? ..After about the 3rd packaage, I went down to my post office and inquired. The supervisor said he would speak to my route carrier. ...Turns out that my mail carrier WAS SIGNING MY NAME for me!! ...When confronted about it she said that 'oh I always sign for my customers on my route..they prefer that so they don't have to come to the PO to pick up their packages in the even they are not home to sign'. ....UH.. NO! .....That's all I need is to have my coins stolen from my mailbox. ..I watch her very carefully now. ...That seems to me to be a bit of mail fraud perpetrated by the mail carrier!

    ..And I like how Gainesville Coins puts their return address as 'GC' or something like thatt.... I don't want my mail carrier knowing that the contents are silver coins ..since she has proven herself to be dishonest. ...Wonder what Gainesville Coins would think of their shipments being signed for by po workers and left on the street. Ai Yi Yi.

  22. From Gainesville Coin website:
    How much do you charge for shipping?

    The shipping and insurance is based off of the weight and value of the package, as well as where it's shipped to. After adding items to your shopping cart, use our shipping calculator before you proceed to checkout to determine your costs.

    You are welcome to email us your zip code and the products you are interested in purchasing for a specific shipping quote. All shipments are sent fully insured.

  23. I am a satisfied APMEX customer. I send a personal check via standard first class mail to avoid credit card (bank wire) surcharges. I mail it directly from the post office when I place my order and it goes from FL to OK in three business days. Order to delivery takes about two weeks. EZPZ.

  24. I have also been very satisfied with APMEX.

    Thought I would give Gainesville a try after hearing about it here at the Turd University. Go, TU!

  25. Say we do break through $29.50 this month, TF...would you then see $31 silver as overhead resistance, or something higher, maybe between $33-36?


  26. ItsAllGood,

    That is crazy that not only was she doing it, but admitting it too?! I don't know how the post office can be OK with someone committing forgery, I'd file a complaint against her. Kinda makes you wonder what else she's doing with other peoples mail.

    Also, seems to be a lot of people going through Gainesville, at least us smaller investors anyway. Don't forget to use "NIAUS" as a promo code to get $5 off your orders!

  27. @itsallgood: Holy carap! Your letter carrier ought to be fired. It is a good reminder to stay on top of order tracking and reach an understanding with your postman about what happens to signature deliveries. Thanks for posting that.

  28. We need more information about the trade unions in Egypt. This was somewhat informative:

    There are also rumblings from the warhawks about getting the U.S. involved to take control of the Suez Canal. So watching Foxnews for those who can stomach it might be helpful to gauge neocon sentiment.

  29. pick: The ultimate resistance will be near the early January highs over $31. You can bet your booty that Blythe will try like heck to paint a double top there.

  30. Anyone buying from APMEX make sure to request UPS shipping. Last year I got an empty box from USPS and the silver nowhere to found. APMEX took care of everything but the whole incident was a headache.

  31. Justin..DaddyO ...yes, the mail carrier should be fired. I could (and probably should push it) ..BUT...even the supervisor did not seem too disturbed by her not requiring my signature. He seemed more bothered by having to deal with it. She does get my sig now.. but that's only for me ..and not for those packages for others that she can get by with. ...What it all boils down to for this particular person I've come to realize is LAZINESS. ..She does not want to get out of her mail truck. I run a small internet business where I ship many packages per week via USPS I order those free USPS Priority boxes to conduct my business. The usps website encourages you to order their freebie boxes so that you will ship via USPS Priority. They say they will deliver them to your door. She will not deliver them if I order over a box or two at the time. She has called me before and told me I need to come to the PO to get them because of lack of 'room' in her truck. Nevermind what the website says about delivering them right to you. ...She throws boxes in the pouring rain right out on our driveway if they don't fit the mailbox.

    Anyway.. ..enough of my personal mail carrier problems. She's a trip. ..Just like you said above.. it's just a good reminder to watch your silver orders closely and keep tabs on your delivery people. Times will get MORE desperate for people in all walks of life not less as the SHTF.

  32. Anyone got'ny thoughts on why miners are goin' down down down while metals are up?

    My theory is that it's because I own them.

  33. ItsAllGood ..... theEE is not only short physical bullion they are also short the quality Au & Ag equity miner shares as well. This too shall pass. Cheers

  34. Anyone have any thoughts about silver buying in China during the Chinese New Year this week?

  35. I love my mail carrier. We have an understanding that she not leave any packages for me on Saturday. Instead holding them for me until Monday.
    On Saturday it's harder for me to get them past my wife! ha ha

  36. Pick52 ...... Since it's the Chinese year of the rabbit "Kung He Fat Choi" means RUN SILVER RABBIT RUN this year!

  37. Me I just buy physical silver and hold! I don't play the paper markets as of June 13, 2009 where I made a call killing going long the DOW index and bought physical silver!! I do have friends from a former investment club playing the arbitration by taking delivery of physical silver and waiting for cartel hits like Jan and shorting the paper markets as SLV! Then taking paper profits off the short table and buying more physical for delivery!! This is like free physical silver to these savvy players!! Right now with turds outside day reversal Friday holding bullish today, they've backed off waiting for the next desperate cartel short on at much higher prices!! This arb will drain the bankster bullion vaults fast!! Go paper arbs for doing your thing and profiting on easy paper fiat funds and then taking delivery on silver!!!! bankster fraudsters in deep chit as more cherry pickers rise to easy paper fiat profits to gain more physical silver!!

  38. Eric,
    Your wife knows. If she doesn't seem to know it's because she doesn't want you to know she knows. But she knows. Watch It buddy.


  39. When buying at Gainsville enter the code NIAUS in the prom ocode section, it will save you $5 :)

  40. OK now you are making me all paranoid. Got enough problems dealing with Blythe!

  41. Busy today but had time to enter an order for another 1000 oz of silver today....should be my part for the cause of pressing the COMEX and all

  42. Itsallgood: Use this weakness to buy more.

  43. Talk about a roller coaster ride today. WOW!

  44. Please check the 1:30 update.
    No sooner did I hit "update post" then the EE slams the Globex.
    Criminals. Absolute heartless, scheming, dirty criminals.

  45. Turd, if it closes under 28 on the Globex does that negate the close over 28 on the Deathstar?

  46. foch um Turd...they're swimmin upstream with the crocs hot on their tail....just a matter of time

  47. Turd, as it says in your Blog title "The Great Keynesian Experiment Is Upon Us" you didn't think these criminals would go quite did you? We will have our day and when we do it will be glorious yet sad.

  48. flaunt: kinda depends on who's looking. We old-timers look at pit session open and closes but a lot of algos drive off of 24-hour cycles.

  49. I agree with kliguy. We're seeing the culmination of 25 years of manipulation in the PM's. The Law of Unintended Consequences is ready to assert itself with extreme malice.

  50. Everytime I pick up a package at our post office they thats heavy is that gold or something. I always respond that it is old car parts but as things get worse I worry about getting delivery.

  51. That's the nice thing about gold. A coin or two and your package don't weigh much. But silver...yeah they know something is up for sure.

    Well, I'm glad at least my oil stocks are kickin butt today. It's clear that we will not be allowed to make an honest buck in metals for a while. Until the whole ponzi blows sky high.

  52. T Lane-

    Next time that happens the appropriate reply would be "Gold? Why would I be buying gold?"

  53. What a desperate group of cartel bankster grunts on PM's! I know the best arb to play will be turds double top approx 31! My friends playing paper short SLV; paper profits short taken toward free silver delivery, say they'll wait patiently higher crimex spot! Too much volatility and can't out guess the mofo's until ammunition/selling exhausted!

  54. When I have a really heavy silver package, and my carrier says "More Gold?", I say "Way too heavy for gold. If I had this much gold I wouldn't be hanging around here!"

  55. GREAT LINE Eric!.....hehehheheheh

  56. @pick52

    I'm going to try that next time and see what answer I get back.

    That is one reason I have been buying more gold. I have around 1000oz of silver so I have been buying gold as $$ permits. I figure that if I ever become a dictator and I have to get out of the country real fast...I need to lighten the load with gold.

  57. We ain't outta woods yet as Tuesday is upon us. If I were EE planning a taking down this week then Tuesday should be the action day so let's watch what happens tomorrow.

  58. This is such a great blog ! Finally, a place where I can hear from like minded folks who watch the daily criminal conduct with wise eyes and in depth analysis. It's very very comforting especially when the criminals are doing their dirty work. Thank you all for calling a spade a spade. Superb analysis Mr. Turd, very comforting. Thanks once again.

  59. TF: I hear you and I'm already there. Buyin' The Dips on them thar miners ..cause there's gold in them thar hills!

    kilguy38: 1000 ounces!! ..Maybe you are our BOS *raised eyebrow* ...yeah.. I know BOS makes MUCH larger purchases.. but compared to me.. you qualify. CONGRATS!

    Eric: Ha! ..just kidding you ...paranoia notwithstanding.. at least you aren't married to Blythe. .............I do wonder what kind of person she is though. ..In person, she's probably just like one of our sisters..or mothers..or daughters. Well.. she's somebody's sister and daughter anyway. ........Satan's? :[]

  60. T Lane

    Dictator or refugee, one or the other. If you ever need to cross the border at midnight, with only what you can fit in a backpack, you want gold, not silver. Gold, firepower, and Clif Bars.

    Hopin' it don't come to that...

  61. What we are seeing so far this afternoon is a classic example of what GATA's Bill Murphy and Chris Powell refer to as a "Plan B" attack, where the Shorts pile in following the PM price fixes of gold and silver in London.

    Especially with Egypt giving the market serious jitters, the last thing the EE wants at a time like this is for the masses to do anything smart. As we've seen so many times in the past, it's times just like these where we see paper Metal prices actually decline in the face of extremely fiat-unfriendly news & developments.

    It would be comical if this kind of corruption didn't so clearly reveal how deeply into terminal stage illness their whole system is. That's a good thing, but don't be thrown by their head fakes.

    To me, those who aren't using the remainder of Dream Time to prepare for their imminent Wake Up Call are making a serious error in judgment.

    Ergo: Buy The Dip!

  62. Rui .... You are so correct. Watch out for "Take Down Tuesday" tomorrow. For some reason the EE has raided the past six weeks on a Tuesday. Tomorrow could be the last buying Op we'll see in a long time.

  63. Eric and Kli...

    I've gotten a number of comments from USPS, FedEx, and UPS delivery people too.

    When that happens I just tell them I collect antique lead fishing weights, and that they'd be shocked at the buy/sell market in those old things!

    They immediately dismiss me as a no-life nutter and don't give any of it a second thought as they go off on their merry way. Mission completed.

  64. If you are thinking of stopping by the coin shop this week, seems like Tuesday morning would be good.

  65. All these issues about comments from delivery people point up the advantages of just going to the coin shop and just bringing the stuff home yourself. Seriously.

  66. ewc-
    maybe they are right. maybe we are all no-life nutters anyway...

  67. Too true.

    But in light of the fact that we are PM owners, I'm going to have to insist on MISTER No-life Nutter.


  68. Mine gets delivered to a PO box.....My wife picks it up and she says she gets grilled by the mail guy....She plays dumb very well and finds it hilarious...they know what it is but want her to confirm and she just smiles..most orders are well under 1000 oz.... usually 100oz to 500...but this is my third in this range....VERY FOCKIN was much easier to deal with...of course I put it all in my safety deposit box (sarcasm intended)...LMFAO

  69. I have all my metals delivered to my office where we get so many packages of computer equipment daily no one ever wonders what it is, they just assume its a box of computer equipment.

    If I shipped it home, the delivery guy would probably just think it's gun ammo, which I order a lot of online.

  70. Oh. So you're safe then: just a gun nut.


  71. Please all be aware the PO employees etc are well aware of what is being delivered. I know this from personal experience.

  72. that was my opinion too louis....I'm sure they were trying to get her reaction...hehehhehehehe....

  73. I order on-line because we only have one coin shop here and it is run by the firm of RIPUM and OFF.

    Anyone know where I can get a Blythe costume for my wife for Halloween?

  74. I don't know why you guys just don't buy locally. You get to take immediate possession, have fewer intermediaries knowing what you're up to, you don't have to pay shipping or credit card premiums, etc.

    In a true Mad Max scenario, better hope the mailman and/or his friends don't decide to target you for a home invasion.
