Just as I posted this update, the site went down...again. Really sucks and very frustrating. Oh well, at least we have this backup site.
Why is that, lately, every time I try to get away for a few days, all hell breaks loose?
So, once again, I apologize for another abbreviated post. The
Fergusons are currently in the great state of Iowa visiting
MrsF's centenarious grandmother. I'll be back in my office by late tomorrow but, for today, I've got to make due.
let's start with this. Despite the tireless efforts of the legal teams
and several, hard-working industry insiders, The Morgue finally won the
permanent dismissal of the silver manipulation civil suit yesterday.
Sadly, this does not come as a surprise since the rationale behind the
dismissal changed little from the preliminary dismissal late last year.
You can read all about it here:
http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/03/18/us-jpmorgan-silver-lawsuit-idUSBRE92H10520130318. But for a more in-depth analysis, I would refer you back to the excellent legal commentary written for us by
CALawyer back in very early January:
Moving on, the Cyprus story continues to dominate, as it should. Disregard the misinformation and
This IS a big deal. That gold and silver have barley budged while the
U.S. stock market has rallied back to unchanged should surprise no one.
MOPE and manipulation at its
finest worst. Remember, at
this critical time, gold (and silver) cannot be perceived to be a safe
haven and a viable alternative to fiat currency....particularly fiat
currency held within the confines of the banking system. With
risk, negative interest rates and now "shared bail-ins", why would any
sensible person continue to store wealth in fiat currency?
At all cost, gold must be suppressed in order to promote the impression that it is equally unable to preserve wealth.
Do not be fooled by this! Global demand remains extraordinarily strong.
Fiat-conversion price will, very soon, begin to reflect this physical
Finally, regarding Cyprus, this article from Ben Davies at
Hinde Capital is terrific, written not only from a current, but also a historical sense.
Please take the time to read through it.
And we must touch upon the
GLD again today. Remember, the conventional thinking among mainstream analysts is that
GLD is seeing a
drawdown due to investor selling and asset re-allocation. You and I both know that this is complete nonsense and that
GLD gold is being redeemed and withdrawn by large investors seeking immediate allocation and physical delivery.
Well, the mainstream narrative took a major hit yesterday. I
n the face of Cyprus, fiat and ECB distrust and a rising gold price, GLD had redemptions of 13.55 metric tonnes or more than 1% of the alleged "inventory"!! This brings the "total gold in trust" down to under 1220
mts, down from 1350
mts a/o 1/1/13. One hundred thirty metric
nearly 10% of "inventory", has been withdrawn since the first of the year.
I go to close, I see that gold is surging to new highs for the week.
This is constructive but, again, I caution you...I see no reason to get
overly-excited until gold moves through and closes above $1626, which is
the low of the post New Year decline back in January and the break down
point from the Chinese New Year raids. Above that level and the
momo-chasing spec shorts will begin to get

is rallying, too, but still unable to draw away from $29 and, like
gold, until it breaks back above $29.40 or so, it's still simply banging
around within the range.

Finally, I just checked
to see if I've missed anything while typing. Not much. Only all of
this. Remember, this is simply a "one-off" and "no big deal".
Have a great day and remember that the
FOMC is meeting this week and
Fedlines are due tomorrow. Keep your helmet and airsickness bag handy.